Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine Day can be green with Eco Friendly Ways!!

Did you know that you can devote yourself to love for environment? Yes, you did!! You can be devoted to love as well as environment!! On Valentine‘s Day, we send millions of Valentine cards to partners and they are eventually end up in landfills.  Here’s another inconvenient truth: most of chocolates and flowers are among the world’s biggest users of pesticides. Please don’t feel guilty!! Fortunately, there are a few ways to make your Valentine’s Day greener!! 

Ways 1. Using E-cards instead of mailing cards 

According to the Greeting Card Association, nearly one billion Valentine’s cards are sent each year; second in number only to Christmas. As we expected, many of these end up in landfill, so how about showing your love by sending e-cards instead. 

Ways 2. Giving certified blooms to lovers 

You can find flowers bearing the certified seals by stopping deforestation, preserving water and soil, providing habitat for wild animals, and protecting the farmer rights.  Here is store list where you can find certified flowers: Whole Foods Markets, Sam’s Club, Trader Joe’s and Costco. 

Ways 3. Treating your lovers with fair-traded chocolate 

Why don’t you choose fair trade or organic chocolates for this Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day could not be complete without a box of chocolates. According to the Rainforest Alliance, some 40 million people in Central and South America depend on cocoa for their livelihoods. Before you heading out, check out quickly lists of fair trade retailer ( and choose one of them who respect farmers’ human rights, wildlife and the environment. 

Ways 4. Eating out with Romantic green way

Enjoy your romantic dinner at home, and save money and be healthy by using local and sustainable ingredients. If you are eating out, check out the Sustainable Restaurant Association’s website ( before head out. This website provides some sustainable restaurants that match sustainable priorities. 

Don’t forget to tell your partners about the last minute tips: the greenest Valentine’s gift you can give doesn’t generate any wastes. 

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